#EverythingSkin with Dr. Thomas Buonassisi
#EverythingSkin with Dr. Thomas Buonassisi
All About Facelifts (Part 9): Valid “Alternate” and Post-Facelift Treatments
Considering a facelift or facial rejuvenation procedure but not feeling informed enough? In this 9-part series, Board Certified facial plastic surgeon Dr. Thomas Buonassisi of Vancouver, Canada discusses everything you need to know about facelifts—from facial anatomy basics, to the post-op recovery process, to a discussion of the unprecedented deep plane facelift technique that he performs regularly alongside less than 5% of other surgeons.
In this episode of Part 9, Dr. Buonassisi discusses great (or not so great) non surgical alternate treatments to a facelift, and even how these can perhaps be used additionally to a facelift surgery to complement results by targeting separate concerns. He goes over:
→ Neuromodulators like Botox and how they can be beneficial for wrinkles,
→ Dermal fillers and how they can be beneficial for volume loss,
→ Tackling skin laxity with injectables vs. surgically,
→ Laser skin resurfacing, skin tightening, and intense pulsed light (BBL) for targeting minor volume loss or laxity, along with concerns that a facelift cannot correct such as skin texture, crepiness, and discoloration,
→ Non heat based treatments such as PRP and microneedling to rejuvenate skin,
→ Why or why not these treatments might be better than a facelift for some,
→ Why it’s important to be informed on these treatments when looking for a true facelift result.
With so many different types of facelift techniques and procedures that are improperly identified as facelifts, Dr. Buonassisi aims to untangle these and help you find where your goals might fit in while informing on the details that are essential to know.