#EverythingSkin with Dr. Thomas Buonassisi

All About Facelifts (Post-Op Part 1): Incision & Hair Care Just After a Facelift Procedure

Dr. Thomas Buonassisi Season 1 Episode 49

Considering a facelift or facial rejuvenation procedure but not feeling informed enough? In this 9-part series, Board Certified facial plastic surgeon Dr. Thomas Buonassisi of Vancouver, Canada discusses everything you need to know about facelifts—from facial anatomy basics, to the post-op recovery process, to a discussion of the unprecedented deep plane facelift technique that he performs regularly alongside less than 5% of other surgeons.

In this bonus episode captured during a post-op appointment from patient Linda's facelift surgery experience, Dr. Buonassisi discusses and demonstrates important steps to know about facelift incision care and hair care in the immediate post-op period. He goes over:⁣⁣

→ Where and how frequently do I apply after care for my facelift staples and sutures?⁣

→ When and how can I wash my hair after facelift surgery? Can I brush my hair after facelift surgery?⁣

→ Do I have to wear a compression dressing after facelift surgery?⁣

→ How soon after a facelift can I colour my hair?⁣

→ How soon after a facelift can I wear makeup?⁣

→ When do I start feeling “normal” again after a facelift?⁣