#EverythingSkin with Dr. Thomas Buonassisi

All About Facelifts (Post-Op Part 3): What to Expect at 1 Week Post-Op

Dr. Thomas Buonassisi Season 1 Episode 51

Considering a facelift or facial rejuvenation procedure but not feeling informed enough? In this 9-part series, Board Certified facial plastic surgeon Dr. Thomas Buonassisi of Vancouver, Canada discusses everything you need to know about facelifts—from facial anatomy basics, to the post-op recovery process, to a discussion of the unprecedented deep plane facelift technique that he performs regularly alongside less than 5% of other surgeons.

In this bonus episode captured during a post-op appointment from patient Linda's facelift surgery experience, Dr. Buonassisi discusses and demonstrates common things to expect at 1 week post-op after a deep plane facelift procedure. He goes over:⁣

→ Puffiness & swelling particularly under the eyes (malar bags) and when they should improve,⁣

→ Incisions & when bunching or puckering of skin around the ears is normal,⁣

→ Areas where instances of bruising are normal,⁣

→ Sensations of tightness and how long the feeling should last,⁣

→ The expected healing timeline and when Linda’s results should start to look more natural.⁣